Saturday, September 29, 2007

Why not try God

I have something thats absoultley driving me crazy today. Why do people go about their lives unsaved ,draging misery upon misery on themselves ,messing up their lives so badly their seems to be no help at all, and all of a sudden they decide to ask God to help but on their terms (and this after somthing terrible happens) . I really don't see the logic in this didn't they make the mess doing it their way. All I'm trying to say is why don't they want to try it Gods way and see for themselves if it gets any better or not. They use God like he's a genie in a bottle , rub it ,tell it what they want and bam they should get it not having to change or do anything in return.I dont understand . God is so very perfect and to live his way is so much more fullfilling . You have peace when you lay down at night knowing whatever happens where your destanation will be . You have peace that though you might not be with your kids that they are making good choices and that God already has his hand on them (not waiting till after the fact to get his help). And this is only the beginning as the song says its peace like a river . And I want to float around in it till it takes me all the way to the shores of the crystal sea.
reporting live your favorite menace yvonne


Tam said...

Amen Sista....I agree!

Katie said...

Amen Sis, I was one of those dead fish going along with the flow. Oh yeah, I went to church with my Grandma and the neighbor kids, went to church with friends..i always thought my God was a quick fix God...but then one day...I realized that i was only fooling myself and disgracing my Lords prescious name...I am so thankful that HE picked me up out of that dumpster and gave me a good scrubbing, HE mended my broken heart and gave me a work to do...AMEN, I was one of those, and I turned my nose up, folks tried to tell me about Jesus, but I didn't care, I wanted to do my own thing, I wanted to be in control of my own life....OH, PRAISE THE LORD...HE truly did make the vilest sinner clean....PRAISE THE LORD, PRAISE THE LORD...I love you sis, I pray for you and to all from Idaho.

Kasey said...

Good thought my amusing menace. :)