Monday, August 27, 2007


You know I really didnt relize how Blessed I am . I read Michael's blog about IYC and man thats some thing else! Parents we dont relize some times just how spiritual are children are becoming . Growing in the Lord while we are not looking . I didn't even relize that he gave any thought to things at the assembly, other than we try to go every year. So I was totally amazed when he spoke of IYC being like the GEN ASSEMBLY in how GOD moves on his people and in the services. i'm blessed ,I'm blessed.You know they say that our children have to experince the world and the things of it {sinning} but i'm am finding that to be an untruth {except for the fact of being born in sin} GOD has touched my childrens hearts at a early age and along with our prayers has kept them from sin all the while they do have to live in this sinful world ,and not only that but while they are living in this world they are growing closer to the LORD and not farther apart . amazing . PEOPLE OUR GOD IS AWESOME. PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME!this is from a very happy and excited mother.


Tam said...

You should be VERY proud of Michael. I do not believe that kids have to "experience" the world at all. Jesus has keeping power...I truly believe that they can live a sinless life all the way through. If Jesus Himself prayed that we be kept from the evil of the world, then it can be done!
Love ya...and yes you are very blessed!!!

Kasey said...

You have a wonderful son. He is a good listener,and I am glad he is in my life. I love my nephews.