Thursday, September 11, 2008

I know he watches me

Why do I feel discouraged ......
And long for Heaven and home ....
when Jesus is is my portion ,a constant friend is he...
His eye is on the sparrow ,AND I KNOW HE WATCHES ME!!!!!!!!!!!

I have always loved this song. Its always held a special place in my Heart .
You know I keep having problems come up with taking care of Nada ,( I'm not going in to them all here) but a new one popped up here recently and of course since I am the one with all the responsibility for her of course true to my nature the first thing I began to do was worry .... OH NO WHAT AM I GOING TO DO !!!!!!!!
Oh yes something deep inside me always says give it to God and he will take care of it .
I know this is true but because I still had to do things to help in this problem I felt I wasn't giving it to him ...
see I felt that I couldn't let it go ,but listen to this.

James 2:14-20
14.What doth it profit ,my brethern, though a man say he hath faith ,and have not works? can faith save him ?
15.If a brother or sister be naked ,and destitute of daily food ,
16.And one of you say unto them , Depart in peace ,be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body ;what doth it profit?
17.Even so faith ,if it hath not works , is dead, being alone.
18. Yea,a man may say , Thou hast faith , and I have works:shew me thy faith without thy works ,and I will shew thee my faith by my works.
19. Thou believest that there is one God ; thou doest well:the devils also believe ,and tremble .
20.But wilt thou know ,Oh vain man that faith without works is dead.

So yes there are things we can do nothing about but pray .
But we should know that if there are things that we have to take care of in certain situations ,If we have to do certain things to help it doesn't mean that we don't trust God to work . And it doesn't mean that we don't have faith to move in whatever the situation is .
So what have I learned Pray first giving it to God ,do what you have to do to help (if needed ) and watch God do a miracle .
He did for me today ...
And guess what the person said to me that I was having to work with on this problem .

DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT .........................................



Rachel said...

Yay! I didn't know you were blogging again! Good to see ya. :-)